Once the case for INVESTMENT MIGRATION is Definitively Established, and the decision to obtain a Seconf Passport is also made, then the question becomes — Which Investment Migration Destination Country? and
Most of the Investment Migration destination countries are located either in the Caribbean / Latin Anerica, or in Europe.
Let’s examine Vanuatu as compared to these other main options — Caribbean and Europe.
We market Investment Migration to the Republic of VANUATU — a Tax-Free Island Nation in the legendarily beautiful South Pacific — which is FAST Establishing itself as an Offshore Private Banking and Financial Center, and an emerging Yachting Hub. (Our clients basically pay for the privilege of getting a Vanuatu Passport — in record time, and at a very reasonable cost.)
… to impose the US’s Will on these tiny nations.
Do YOU really want to link your Fate and Future — already as an Investment Migrant — to a very Vulnerable Caribbean Island Nation Unavoidably and Inextricably embroiled in such a predicament? What kind of Sovereign Protections can a Passport from such a country even afford — to any Investment Migrant — particularly if a time comes unexpectedly: when he really needs such protection?
Click Here to go to our Home Page, where Vanuatu is presented in the above context. You will realize that Vanuatu is the Absolute BEST Investment Migration PASSPORT Country.
Following that, we invite YOUR Application for Investment Migration to Vanuatu Citizenship, and about 2 months thereafter, to YOU getting —